Omidyar Network India funds 67 projects under Rapid Response Funding Initiative for Covid-19

Omidyar Network India, an investment firmfocused on social impact, announced that it has fully utilized the capital poolof Rs. 10.75 crore under its Rapid Response Funding Initiative for Covid-19.The initiative was launched on March 24, 2020 "“ since then 2000 applicationswere received and 67 proposals have been approved. Of this, Rs. 3.25 crore wascontributed by employees of Omidyar Network India.
Applicationsreceived: some highlights
The 2000+applications received from across the country provide good insights into thetypes of non-profit solutions that are being set up.
- While the majority of proposals were focusedon physical health (79%), some (3%) were for addressing mental healthchallenges too.
- Nearly half (49%) the proposals were technology-focused- primarily online and mobile based solutions.
- The solutions focused on supporting thevulnerable sections "“ the lower 60% of the country's income distributionrepresented by the daily wage earners, vendors, the gig-economy workers, and smallbusinesses.
Commenting on theinitiatives in response to Covid-19, Roopa Kudva, Managing Director, OmidyarNetwork India said, "The response of thenonprofit sector to the current crisis has truly been awe inspiring. The waythey have galvanized into action has dispelled many myths associated with thenonprofit sector. NGOs and nonprofits have responded rapidly to providecost-effective solutions. They are adopting new technologies at a fast pace.They are collaborating with each other to create a more effective response. Ifthey continue to be funded adequately, these organizations will continue toplay an increasingly greater role in India's response to the pandemic both inthe medium and the long term."