Emerging Technologies

Bijak is building a first-of-its-kind technology platform that enables agri commodity trading by creating a trusted marketplace and digitising transactions.

Bijak is building tools to digitise transaction data (which is currently almost entirely on paper/word of mouth) and leveraging that data to create a marketplace/network of buyers and sellers through proprietary rating tools.

ONI Impact Thesis

By enabling suppliers and buyers of agricultural produce to discover each other across new markets, providing price transparency and enforcing accountability across the supply chain, Bijak is fostering trust and enabling fair pricing, which are long-standing problems of the industry. Leveraging its transaction data, Bijak also facilitates working capital credit to agri-traders, a highly underserved segment, which helps these traders augment their business incomes meaningfully.

Why We Invested
Arrow Right Blue


Nukul Upadhye
Nukul Upadhye

Investment Team

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