Emerging Technologies

SportVot is a scalable mobile and web platform which provides a DIY-based, cost efficient & convenient way to stream sports matches online globally. It is a cloud-based, broadcasting/streaming platform which helps athletes, sports associations and organisers to broadcast to a potentially global audience, enabling talent discovery, inclusion of sports-people, and a culture of sport.

ONI Impact Thesis

By providing a DIY, cost-effective and simple platform to broadcast tens of thousands of games across sports, SportVot will enable several athletes to create digital resumes and drive greater opportunities for selection to higher levels. It will also drive transparency and accountability in sports associations and organisers across India. Additionally, its success will also spur imitators in the segment, widening the opportunities for livelihoods from sports and allied fields.

Why We Invested
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Sidhhant Agarwal   Shubhangi Gupta   Yash Bhagwatkar
Sidhhant Agarwal Shubhangi Gupta Yash Bhagwatkar

Investment Team

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