Education & Employability

Masai School is changing the way India sees higher education with their focus on outcome-based education while providing a level playing field to career aspirants from any walk of life.

Masai School is a 21st-century career focused skill building school that offers a variety of learning tracks such as Full-Stack Web and Android Development with programs on UI, UX, Data Analytics, and Product Management coming up soon. Masai follows the Income Sharing Agreement (ISA) model which allows students to ‘Study Now and Pay Later’. Students can opt to enrol for free and then pay Masai only after getting a job.

With a core focus to empower aspiring professionals by focusing on discipline, attitude, problem-solving, and logical capabilities; they are working to create professionals who are capable of navigating the unknown and desired by the best tech companies.

ONI Impact Thesis

By providing job-focused training in software coding, and life skills to aspiring young professionals from diverse income and educational backgrounds and placing them in reputed tech companies, Masai School is reimagining the approach to workforce readiness in the digital economy. Masai’s innovative curriculum and pedagogy ensures consistency in educational and placement outcomes. By linking its training fees to student employment, Masai aligns incentives across students, training providers and industry, while democratising access to quality ‘finishing’ education.

Why We Invested
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Prateek Shukla, Yogesh Bhat, Nrupul Dev
Prateek Shukla, Yogesh Bhat, Nrupul Dev
