Abhirup Sarkar

Principal, Investments
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Abhirup Sarkar
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Abhirup is responsible for sourcing, evaluating and managing investments across Emerging Technologies, Financial Inclusion & Well-Being and Education & Employability.

Prior to joining Omidyar Network India, Abhirup was at Orios Venture Partners in the investment team. He was responsible for sourcing and diligence across several sectors along with portfolio management at the firm.

Abhirup worked at Housing.com in a corporate development role across various functions and initiatives, and also cofounded a nanotechnology company offering B2B solutions prior to that. Previously, Abhirup was a management consultant at EY, where he worked primarily for industrial and consumer clients across India and the Middle East.

Abhirup graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay with a B.Tech degree with honours.

Investments in focus areas


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