Digital Society

Alumni Organisation

Mythos Labs is a social enterprise that uses technology and media to counter harmful narratives and misinformation. Their primary activities include building media literacy, creating edutaining content that counters harmful narratives and conducting technology-based research. They have conducted programs across over a dozen countries for clients including the United Nations, US Department of State and European Commission.

We funded Mythos Labs under the Digital Society Challenge to develop India's first online social media literacy module. The module will use an edutainment-based approach to teach users how to safely and responsibly use social media, enabling them to better identify, protect against and counter misinformation, online harassment and threats to their privacy. We also funded Mythos Labs to manage and grow #ReclaimYourPrivacy, a social media initiative that empowers Indian internet users with actionable information to help safeguard their digital selves.

ONI Impact Thesis

Why We Invested
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