

Sitara is an affordable housing finance company, which offers small-ticket loans to low-income women borrowers in urban India for home-improvement and construction. It primarily serves those who are informally employed and living in informal settlements, to gain access to formal documents and processes that enable them to lead more meaningful, economically empowered lives. Sitara works closely with these families to help them avail loans with their available documents. The company facilitates upgradation, modification and formalisation of the available documents through a progressive tenure model to balance the risk of lending to this consumer base.


Shruti Gonsalves
Shruti Gonsalves

Transforming 60,000+ Lives

Behind The Scenes

<b-text>Director’s Note:<b-text> I look at this film as a woman, for women. There is sensitivity parked where it should be, and there is pragmatism in just the right places. That’s what Sitara is and yes, that’s what Shruti is. The woman behind it all. She is living proof of the impact of providing housing to women, especially in the informal sector and the importance of providing them affordable housing finance. I was lost in the success stories that Shruti was so proudly and candidly sharing with us all, and the entire crew was so overwhelmed with her amazing tales of impact. 

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